Hi ,
so am back again, initially when i saw this blogger i didn't know what to do here, then i thought n said "THOUGHTS" this is the place where all ur thoughts must go, and u should go through them again n again so that u know What U think and KNOW URSELF BETTER!
Hmmm, lemme share few things about me,
i like n love myself, and thats my strongest point!
Laziest sloth on earth, and love being lazy!
About people, hmmm i don't care much, coz i know they r what they r and more than that I AM WHAT I AM!
Mother Teresa rightly says "DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE COZ IF U DO SO U CANT LOVE THEM".
About relationships:
FATHER-GOD KNOWS How perfect a FATHER should be and created my father...
Mother- God said " i want some rest can u take my job" my mom said no probs!
Brother- God said "As every human being has one brain i cant fit 2 to vijith so i'll create one more body with similar Brain and thoughts, let him guide him" and created my bRO.
Hmmm about some emotions!- they say toughest thing to describe!
selfishness'- everybody thinks about himself and those related to him, MY FRIEND, MY FAMILY, MY COUNTRY, MY JOB, MY ____hmmm if this is selfishness then everybody is selfish!!
FUN'- Hmmm everybody has his/her own idea of fun, highly relative word! so better not to talk about it!
LOVE'- every body needs concern, attention, everyone likes to be loved, needs somebody to care for him/her, and finds it in different ways FATHER, MOTHER,BROTHER, SISTER,FRIEND,SPOUSE....
HATRED'- lemme tell u one thing, the word "HATE' itself creates a lot of negativity in u,so better be away from those whom u don't like or from those who doesn't like u.
IMPRESSION'- This is one thing everybody wants to create on everybody else, but the thing is
Its not U who is creating it most of the times, its ur artificial sense which is doing it, so BE URSELF,.....LIVE TO EXPRESS NOT TO IMPRESS.
JEALOUS'- Hmmm the emotion which I've come across most of the times...The same thing which makes me proud of myself, coz people are jealous of somebody if the person is better than them and they know they can't overtake him in anyways...So guys if somebody is jealous of u be proud....
hmmm so I've described a lot of emotions
p.s.- It's extremely relative so this is how I comprehend emotions.
So is this all life about, relations and emotions huh?
hmmm NO but these r basics! around these revolves a lot of other things, Society,System,Education,Science,Philosophy,Arts,literature,Culture, tradition,Entertainment etc.
Hmmm i think its a pretty long post if some pooor fellow is reading this, he/she must be bored of this, so i wanna tell him/her, DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY, thats the way to live!