Monday, December 3, 2007


Hi ,
so am back again, initially when i saw this blogger i didn't know what to do here, then i thought n said "THOUGHTS" this is the place where all ur thoughts must go, and u should go through them again n again so that u know What U think and KNOW URSELF BETTER!

Hmmm, lemme share few things about me,
i like n love myself, and thats my strongest point!
Laziest sloth on earth, and love being lazy!
About people, hmmm i don't care much, coz i know they r what they r and more than that I AM WHAT I AM!
Mother Teresa rightly says "DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE COZ IF U DO SO U CANT LOVE THEM".

About relationships:
FATHER-GOD KNOWS How perfect a FATHER should be and created my father...
Mother- God said " i want some rest can u take my job" my mom said no probs!
Brother- God said "As every human being has one brain i cant fit 2 to vijith so i'll create one more body with similar Brain and thoughts, let him guide him" and created my bRO.

Hmmm about some emotions!- they say toughest thing to describe!
'selfishness'- everybody thinks about himself and those related to him, MY FRIEND, MY FAMILY, MY COUNTRY, MY JOB, MY ____hmmm if this is selfishness then everybody is selfish!!
'FUN'- Hmmm everybody has his/her own idea of fun, highly relative word! so better not to talk about it!
'LOVE'- every body needs concern, attention, everyone likes to be loved, needs somebody to care for him/her, and finds it in different ways FATHER, MOTHER,BROTHER, SISTER,FRIEND,SPOUSE....
'HATRED'- lemme tell u one thing, the word "HATE' itself creates a lot of negativity in u,so better be away from those whom u don't like or from those who doesn't like u.
'IMPRESSION'- This is one thing everybody wants to create on everybody else, but the thing is
Its not U who is creating it most of the times, its ur artificial sense which is doing it, so BE URSELF,.....LIVE TO EXPRESS NOT TO IMPRESS.
'JEALOUS'- Hmmm the emotion which I've come across most of the times...The same thing which makes me proud of myself, coz people are jealous of somebody if the person is better than them and they know they can't overtake him in anyways...So guys if somebody is jealous of u be proud....

hmmm so I've described a lot of emotions
p.s.- It's extremely relative so this is how I comprehend emotions.

So is this all life about, relations and emotions huh?
hmmm NO but these r basics! around these revolves a lot of other things, Society,System,Education,Science,Philosophy,Arts,literature,Culture, tradition,Entertainment etc.

Hmmm i think its a pretty long post if some pooor fellow is reading this, he/she must be bored of this, so i wanna tell him/her, DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY, thats the way to live!


vyvek said...

hmmm...INTERESTING:)carry on with your words!!!!!

suhas said...

what is LIFE!!
i`ve seen people giving different definitions , meanings n comments on the word called "LIFE".. I personally feel that everything in this world is subjective or relative!!
if u ask the above question to a joyous person he`ll come out with a lively answer,whereas we can expect a tough answer from a defeated person!!
everything is relative,an amputee may
look upto a normal person as though he is happy as he he is normal but that person has his own problems!!
happiness is because no sadness, sadness is because no happyness!!
1st rank is because there is last rank, last rank is because ther`s someone above you!! all inter dependent!!sheep feels raising lamb
is right, butcher feels beheading sheep is right!! criminal thinks killing a person is right, lawyer thinks the other way!! right-wrong bad-good god-evil ugly-beautiful all are "invented" for social-living and are subjective,all depends on state of one`s mind added with mood and feelings, and are ever changing opinions.. but nothing is ETERNAL, i repeat "NOTHING" itself is "ETERNAL".. one who cracks the code of zero-ness around him is the closest to his soul.. he doesn`t enjoy life or he doesn`t hate life either!! he doesn`t praise the good or he doesn`t punish the bad!! he`s the true soul,*the true god to himself!!

*this line may lead to controversy, but reader discretion is advised!!

Vijith Venkatesh said...

Hey suhas, U said "NOTHING itself IS ETERNAL"....But do u mean to say the whole world and the things around us, Soul and GOD every thing's just a ILLUSION then?

suhas said...

to vijith..
u`ve asked me three different questions!!
this world is the part of journey of a soul, it is not worried about how the world,the energy are is created or only goes through this phase,the body as physics and breathing as biology,emotions n feelings as psychology are just dressing up a soul which is traveling
to nowhere from nowhere!!* the thoughts on existence of GOD is because of all the above mentioned
entities, describing the unknown and failing to know there`s NOTHING!! those entities come n go,they think and go!! in truth, there is "NOTHING"!!

Vijith Venkatesh said...

Suhas, U said "this world is the part of journey of a soul", so then whats this World,Real Or illusion?
What's soul?
what's god?
Can u define the existence of NOTHINGNESS, from nowhere to nowhere?
What're these Dressing ups?
Who's dressing it up?
Why is a soul on a journey with these dressings?
Who's failing to know NOTHINGNESS?

suhas said...

i surely don't have answers for who created[G-generation] this universe and what made it evolve[O-operation] and how will it end[D-destroy]!!
these things are not in our control!!
we all are living on FAITH, we sleep at the end of the day so that we hope to get up in the morning!!
while driving, we believe that we will reach the destination but an opposite-coming vehicle driver maybe drunk and may hit u and u may die the next moment!!
many things are not in our control, we attribute this to GOD,and lot many things are under our control, this doesn't make us supreme nor does it make former supreme!! this is nothing but faith, a rational person adamantly or sceptically says nothing suddenly causes destruction beyond science, an irrational is supersticious that there`s somebody
protecting us!! former has faith in science,latter has that in superstition!! it is all mind-over-matter!! there is no mind there is no matter for eternity!!
such empty-ness is eternal!!

suhas said...

hey!! i'm not here to prove anything!!
i say, "NOTHING" to prove actually!!
bit abstract maybe but it should be and it is!! because i'm not the who knows everything and i'm not the one who knows nothing either !! what i wanna say is that, we all are caught in something,the liberation the detachment from all the attachments is the one and only way to eternal bliss..

suhas said...

having said all these!! i have something else to say, totally in contradiction to my above views!!
we are in this world with a purpose, we have a chance to prove our worth to live!! we dream a lot, we dream of correcting our mistakes that we have committed in the past, we dream a lot, notions and prejudice!! but the thing is we should wake up to achieve them!! so live today with a mindset of being accountable and keep challenging yourself!!

Vijith Venkatesh said...

Hi suhas, when u talk about people the thoughts n
everything's Relative,I agree, but there must be ABSOLUTE TRUTH also!
Which we r yet to realize, we r just trying to actualize things,What u can actualize depends on ur capacity, if u cant realize the absolute truth, that doesn't mean there is no absolute truth itself.

How can u say nothing is eternal, when u r talking about the liberation of a soul,u r yet to get liberated FROM this world TO??????

U said souls come nd go, but where do they go?

Detachment from all the attachments
is the way to eternal bliss right, so who is experiencing this eternal bliss, if its soul, U have to accept that the soul is eternal..

suhas said...

firstly, i didn`t say soul come and go!! the physical and biological entities come and go!!

we don`t know when actually an infant
gets life in mother's womb,and at what instant a person dies!!
is it simply based on heart beats?? if a heart develops and starts to work, we tittle its living.. and when it ends it is dead!!but we all know there is something beyond just that!! so, this physical entity called heart and its biological working and its end is what we call life!! that which is beyond these is what is unknown and we call it "soul", soul is just the word added to lexicon to describe the immaterial
part of a person!! that "immaterial",the "unknown" is what i say "nothing"!!

MAYA!!!! said...

hmmmm.... Its quite intresting the way u hav dragged this discussion....n both hav ur own views.... but u r complicating things a bit suhas has quoted," NOTHING is ETERNAL", i believe it.....
i take the simple way to say this..what was there,before this universe came into existance?? .... my answer would be...NOTHING.. and what will be there ,when this comes to an end?... my answer again is NOTHING..
doesn't that make , NOTHING as ETERNAL??.. isn't NOTHING the never-ending, everlasting , timeless quantity??? is nothing that prevails....
we are talking here 'bout eternal bliss, absolute truth, journey of the soul...
all the entities in the whole wide universe, began its journey from "nothing" original state of these entities.These entities are nothing but the fragments of nothingness(it includes the soul too)...which hav become "something".. and making a journey towards this nothingness...this is because , every entity that we speak of has a natural tendency of regaining its original state..which happens to be the stable state..everything including the soul are trying to percieve this stable state... and this is called the "journey of the soul".And eternal bliss is nothing but the achievement of this state...absolute truth being the knowledge of this eternal bliss...this may be what the scriptures tell us, but they wind it around some stories for the common man to understand...
i hav this perception of mine, where i believe the fragments of nothingness being souls, and these souls are evolving to obtain the eternal bliss we spoke about... beginning from the fragment that is in a microbe to that in a human...its just evolution...all to aquire NOTHING..the world and the experiences being the process of this evolution towards NOTHING...

Vijith Venkatesh said...

@ Maya u said
"..what was there,before this universe came into existance?? .... my answer would be...NOTHING.. and what will be there ,when this comes to an end?... my answer again is NOTHING.."
So on this basis u say NOTHING IS ETERNAL, if achieving nothingness is that simple, and if we r quite sure of attaining nothingness when this universe comes to an end, why do we have to strive hard to know and attain nothingness????????
How can u be sure that from nothing Everything has emerged?
At the end of universe u say nothing prevails so what is this 'EVERYTHING' that is in between the TWO NOTHINGS(Before the beginning and after the end of the universe)

@ suhas
u said "we all know there is something beyond just that!!....part of a person!! that "immaterial",the "unknown" is what i say "nothing"!!"
so-"Something cant be nothing"...

suhas said...

to vijith!!
in Sanskrit,the immaterial,the nothing-ness of a person is called "CHAITHANYA" or "BRAMHA", the bliss is known as "BRAMHANANDA", the person who has understood the "SHYUNYA" or "BRAMHAGYANA" is called "BRAMHIN"..
now, let us swap chairs, u have your say on 'life' and i`ll keep questioning!!

MAYA!!!! said...

@ vijith...
i haven't said a word that achieving nothingness is an easy thing.....i do not believe that anyone should be striving hard to attain this nothingness..... nothing is that which prevails ..... so, think of what prevails throughout any process that goes around us.... that which prevails all the time is 'energy'....
ENERGY is the name which we hav given to this "nothingness".
we believe by scientific facts that , energy can neither be created nor be destroyed...why is that so??? ever thought of it??
can u define energy for its existance?... u asked ,what is the everything that exists between the nothings.... i believe , it is energy... that which prevails in each one of us.... energy is nothing and nothing is energy... u might then ask, if that which is in us is energy..which is nothing... then why is it moving to gain eternal state of nothingness??? hmmm... thats coz... it is the unstable state of nothing that we prevail in and trying to attain that stable state.....